Data Science & Analytics for Libraries

Integrated data science services helping to make decisions easier at every stage. Know more about the money you're spending.


Librarians are great at what they do but new challenges are making it even harder. Library work increasingly involves combing through spreadsheets and reports. How do you navigate the complex landscape in the new digital era? I can help. By empowering the already excellent team at your library with tools driven by your own data, we can make decisions easier, faster, and more confidently.



Data Analytics.

Your data already contains answers that you're looking for but it's not so easy to extract them. I take your data and distill it into knowledge that you can act on.


Data Warehousing.

You have different types of data stored in different places and different formats. A data warehouse does the hard work of cleaning and combining it in the background. Your team can easily grab data they can trust.



Everybody has tasks that need to be finished but don't make a long-term impact. Licenses need renewing and reports need publishing and someone has to do it. Automating the boring stuff lets you spend effort on something valuable instead.

Evan Gillespie

Evan Gillespie

Evan is a full-stack data scientist in Calgary, AB with over ten years of experience in the field. He is passionate about local libraries and supports their success in the best way he can: with data science. Combining his deep knowledge of analytics and data with the expertise of local librarians, Evan builds tools to make difficult decisions easier.

Outside of library data science, Evan works in the water industry, delivering data-driven solutions to operating water sites around North America. From wastewater plants in California to irrigation in Manitoba, Evan's software helps to make decisions at some of the biggest clean water and sanitation sites on the continent.

Prior experience as a software developer for major technology companies and petroleum data scientist in the oil patch round out Evan's experience as a data professional.

Book a Call with Evan

In 15 minutes, we can talk about possible solutions, get an estimate of project scope and price, or just meet each other and see if there's a good fit

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